I’ve taken the time over my summer break to reflect on last year and to check in with intentions and goals that I set at the beginning of last year. It doesn’t really feel like work. I get a real kick out of it and enjoy the process. I especially look at the financial performance of my business and there are 2 things that I do each month to help me to reach my sales targets. […]
Read More… from Yearly planning; Sales targets, financial performance, net profit
The clearer we can get with our goals the better we can prioritise our time and our resources towards actually getting to a position that we want to be in. So often we are so head-down in the daily doing of our business that we don’t have any idea where we’re actually heading. We have never taken the time and devoted the headspace (see what I did there) to figuring out what we’re actually trying to achieve. If we’re striving for success in business then what does success look like? If we’re at Point A and we’re heading towards Point B, what does Point B look and feel like? […]
“I love this time of year. It’s a time of reflecting back on the year just been and of recognizing the lessons learned but mostly about acknowledging the accomplishments and how far I’ve come.” […]