
Show up and play, and win!

Show up and play, and win!

Today I won a prize thanks to MYOB. It’s not the first time this has happened to me. I won the prize(s) because I showed up and played the game. And life and business is just like that. Sometimes what it takes is to show up and play. Make the effort, consistently. Play the game of life, the game of business. […]

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Don’t underestimate how valuable you are

Don’t underestimate how valuable you are

It‘s not uncommon to assume that everyone else knows all the stuff that we do. If we know it then everyone else probably does as well, right?

Value what you do. There are so many people or businesses out there who need the skills and experience that you bring. Do not underestimate how valuable you are. […]

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Business systems to capture business information

Business systems to capture business information

I don’t think anyone would dispute that as a business owner you need meaningful business information in order to make good business decisions, yet I see many business owners flying by the seat of their pants, so-to-speak, making significant business decisions without having much in the way of relevant and meaningful business information.

In order to get meaningful business information, you need to have good business systems in place to capture the information accurately and efficiently. […]

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How planning has meant I’m having the best year yet

How planning has meant I’m having the best year yet

I’m having the best year yet as a result of actually planning my business and my life. Here’s my take on goal setting and planning and what I do on a yearly, monthly, weekly & daily basis. […]

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Bookkeeping terms every business owner should know

Bookkeeping terms every business owner should know

Understanding the accounts of your business is fundamental in order to grow a successful business. It is the backbone of the business and understood and reported correctly, will give you important business information to make sound business decisions. Here are some common bookkeeping and accounting terms that you should know about and understand if you are in business, particularly in business in New Zealand […]

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